Prime Minister Narendra Modi inaugurated the National Tribal Festival ‘Aadi Mahotsav’ at Major Dhyan Chand National Stadium in Delhi. During this, he also addressed a public meeting. During this, Prime Minister Narendra Modi paid tribute to freedom fighter Bhagwan Birsa Munda. , Tribal Festival India-Swaroop of Best India
PM Modi called Tribal Festival as one India-Best India Told the nature of. He said, the tribal lifestyle has taught a lot. Learned a lot from tribal traditions.
Delhi | 21st century’s India is walking on mantra of ‘Sabka Saath, Sabka Vikas’. Now Govt goes from Delhi to meet that which was considered far away. That which considered itself far away is now being brought to mainstream: PM at Aadi Mahotsav, the mega National Tribal Festival
— ANI (@ANI) February 16, 2023 PM Modi congratulated the organizations working for tribal interests
India with its cultural light Guides the way of the world. Aadi Mahotsav Unity in Diversity… is giving new height to that capability of ours. It is making the idea of development and heritage more alive. I congratulate the organizations working for tribal interests for organizing this.
Learn from tribals how to connect with nature
PM Modi said, tribals are the way to connect with nature can be learned from. He said, tribal traditions are being presented as pride. Aadi Mahotsav has become a campaign.
Modi government will start PM-Vishwakarma Yojana
Prime Minister Narendra Modi said, this time in the budget traditional It has also been announced to start PM-Vishwakarma scheme for artisans. Under PM-Vishwakarma, you will be given financial assistance, skill training will be given. Will be supported for marketing of your product. , Tribal community presented cultural program at National Tribal Festival
At ongoing Mega National Tribal Festival in Delhi The tribal community presented a cultural programme. During this, the artists of Jharkhand also presented Chhau dance. , Aadi Mahotsav will connect tribes and their products with the country: Arjun Munda
In this program Union Minister and Former Chief Minister of Jharkhand Arjun Munda was also present. Along with this, Gangotri Kujur, former MLA of Jharkhand’s Mandar assembly also participated in the program. Tribal Affairs Minister Arjun Munda said at Aadi Mahotsav, PM Modi’s ‘Sahakar se Samridhi’ has helped 1.07 Has taken forward the development of tribes living in lakh villages. Aadi Mahotsav will connect these tribes and their products with the country.
Birsa MundaNarendra ModiPublished Date
Thu, Feb 16, 2023, 12: 48 PM IST