A special court in Bengaluru on Monday directed to block the Twitter handles of Indian National Congress and Bharat Jodo Yatra. Now the Congress party is preparing to go to court against the decision. Karnataka Congress will file a writ petition against the decision in the High Court. , Allegations of Copyright Infringement
Actually Congress has been accused of copyright infringement. MRT Music has filed a petition in the court against the Congress party. In which it has been alleged that the party has used the sound track of KGF Chapter 2 film in its Twitter account. After which the company filed a petition in the court of Bangalore. After which, while hearing the court, the court also ordered to ban the Twitter account and remove three tweets posted by the opposition party.
#UPDATE | Karnataka Congress to file a writ petition in Karnataka HC to quash the Lower court’s order to temporarily block the Twitter accounts of the Congress party and Bharat Jodo Yatra for using sound records of the film KGF Chapter-2. https://t.co/nCDwXnWu8u
— ANI (@ANI) November 8, 2022 MRT Music demands permanent ban on Congress Twitter account
KGF Chapter 2′ is the copyright holder of the soundtrack of the film. It is alleged that its copyright has been infringed and a permanent ban has been sought against Congress and its leaders for using its copyrighted music. The court said in its order, the plaintiff specifically presented the CD and showed both types of files, including the original version of his copyrighted work and the illegally created one.
Court said, copyright cannot be extended
Court to take its order I said, if there is a copyright infringement, the plaintiffs doing business of Cinematography Films, Songs, Music Albums… will suffer irreparable damages and it will promote ‘Piracy’ in a big way. The court also appointed a commissioner to audit and preserve evidence on Twitter, Instagram, Facebook and YouTube.
CongresstwitterKarnatakaPublished Date
Tue, Nov 8, 2022, 5: 02 PM IST