Police have arrested three people for trying to break into the security during Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s rally in Gujarat. Actually, PM Modi was addressing a rally in Bavla village of Ahmedabad district on Thursday. There was a ban on flying drones at the rally site, even after that some people were seen flying drones. The local police have registered a case against three in this regard.
Gujarat | Police arrests, registers case against 3 people-Nikul Rameshbhai Parmar, Rakesh Kalubhai Bharvad & Rajeshkumar Mangilal Prajapati- for recording video using a drone & violating ‘no drone fly zone’ during the visit of PM Modi at Bavla today: Ahmedabad Police pic.twitter.com/B5tRz49dh0
— ANI (@ANI) November 24, 2022 Giving information in this regard, the District Magistrates said that due to security reasons in the rally of PM Modi, the flight of drones was banned near the rally venue. Some people were seen taking photographs of the crowd using remotely operated drones before the rally by the police. Here three local people Nikul Rameshbhai Parmar, Rakesh Kalubhai Bharwad and Rajeshkumar Mangilal Prajapati were clicking photographs of the crowd for their personal purpose, on which section of the Indian Penal Code has been arrested after registering a case. ,Police investigated the drone
Drone was seen flying at the same time when PM’s rally was going on in Bavla village of Ahmedabad. After this, there was panic among the administration present on the spot. Police quickly identified the people flying the drone and the drone was seized. The team investigating the drone said that an attempt was being made to make a film through the drone. At the same time, no object like any kind of explosion has been found in the drone, nor has any item been recovered from the bass of the arrested people. ,Strictly prohibited to fly drone in no fly zone
Be aware that whenever a rally or meeting of the Prime Minister, President and Chief Minister of the country is organized somewhere, the local administration has to follow the prohibitory orders there. At the same time, a no drone fly zone is declared around the rally venue, which everyone has to follow.
Pm ModiGujarat Election 401Published Date
Fri, Nov 25, 2022, 8: 47 AM IST