Gujarat Election 2022: The dates for the assembly elections in Gujarat have been announced. The first phase of elections are to be held on December 1 and the second phase of elections will be held on December 5. The Election Commission shared all the information related to the Gujarat Assembly elections by holding a press conference. He told that about 4.9 crore people will vote in this election. There will be about 3.4 lakh people among the voters who will take part in the elections for the first time. But there is such a place in Gujarat where about 8 thousand families are deprived of voting every time.
The area is Little Rann of Kutch, it is a 5000 sq km wide filled with soil. It is flat. This region is situated in the middle of Kutch, Surendranagar, Morbi, Banaskantha and Patan districts. Thousands of people here are unable to vote in the elections. Please note that this problem has been going on for many years. The major reason for not casting vote is the flood prone area. Elections are announced every time in November-December, when people from the flood-prone areas of Kutch take shelter elsewhere. From there the polling booth 54 From 80 km away. Because of this they are not able to come to vote.
approximately 8 of 5 districts, Families do Migration
Approximately 7439 families of 5 districts Little Rann of Salt to Cultivate Salt using Traditional Methods Live in Kutch. Explain that all these migrant communities belong to nomadic and non-notified tribes and are known as “Agariyas”. The Agaria community has to go from the desert to their native village on the day of polling. Let them know that in such a situation they are close 70 From 80 You have to travel up to kilometer. Due to which people are not able to vote on a large scale.
impact on voting percentage
Thus the voting percentage gets reduced as voters (especially women) cannot travel far to cast their votes. This issue has been pending for a long time. However, efforts are now being made by many individuals and organizations to arrange an auxiliary or mobile booth for the LRK so that every voter can vote, or to arrange transport facilities from the Rann to the polling station and back so that Agaria be able to vote.
Gujarat VidhanSabha Chunav Gujarat Election 5000 Published Date
Fri, Nov 4, 2022, 1: 24 PM IST