Gurugram: The District Consumer Disputes Redressal Forum in Gurugram has directed the Municipal Corporation (MCG) to pay an interim compensation of Rs 2 lakh to a woman. In fact, the woman was seriously injured in the attack of a pet dog of Dogo Argentino breed in the Civil Line area. Meanwhile, according to a TOI report, the MCG may challenge the district consumer forum’s order awarding compensation to the woman injured in the dog attack.
Forum also ordered to make a policy for pet dogs
The civic body has not yet taken custody of the two-year-old pet dog of Dogo Argentino breed. According to a TOI report, a senior official associated with the matter said that if the MCG accepts even one of these directions, then we will not be able to appeal against the order. Therefore, we are wary of taking a dog into our custody. Let us tell you that on Tuesday, the Forum has also ordered to make a policy for pet dogs within three months. Also said that if the corporation wants, the amount of compensation can be recovered from the owner of the dog living in the bungalow located in Civil Lines. The forum has also directed the civic body to take the dog into custody and cancel the owner’s license with immediate effect. Apart from this, the Forum also banned eleven foreign breeds of dogs citing a notification of the Central Government. Also ordered that the licenses to keep these dogs be canceled and the animals be taken into custody.
)Possibility of Appeal to the High Court against the order of the Forum
MCG has given the urban local bodies department on other directions such as Pitbull, Rottweiler and Dogo Argentino in the city including 10 Banning other dog breeds, allowing only one dog per household And it has been written for clarity regarding taking into custody and all stray dogs. The official said that we want clear instructions from the department before taking a call on these instructions. So there is every possibility that we will appeal against the order of the District Consumer Forum in the High Court.
Animal rights activists called the forum instructions illegal
Animal rights activists also termed the instructions of the Consumer Forum as illegal. Former Union minister Maneka Gandhi, chairperson of People for Animals, told TOI on Friday that the consumer court has no jurisdiction in the matter. Animal Welfare Board of India (AWBI) Gurugram representative Chetna Joshi said, pet dogs will be taken into custody only by the SPCA. The municipal body cannot take possession of a pet dog. Also it is illegal to relocate stray dogs from their habitat as per law.
What is the problem in removing stray dog
Earlier this year, the MCG urged all residents’ welfare associations in the city to get dogs in their societies sterilized and vaccinated instead of making requests on their helpline for removal of dogs. Neither the civic body nor any RWA has the power to relocate or remove a stray dog from a housing society as per the law of the land, said a senior MCG official.
consumer forumGurugram NewsMunicipal Corporation of GurugramPublished Date
Sat, Nov 19, 2022, 4: 19 PM IST