Indicative picture – Photo: ANI Expansion Two women have been killed in Madhya Pradesh’s commercial capital Indore in three days. On Tuesday, the dead body of a woman was found in Kumawatpura area. His head was crushed. The woman has been identified as Uma Pati Chhote Lal. The police could neither find out the reason for the murder nor do they know anything about the killers. Police had received information about a dead body of a woman lying in the Ladduwali street in Raoji Bazar area in the morning. When the officers reached the spot, they saw that a woman had injury marks on her head. Inquired the people around the spot, but no one saw the incident happening. The police also searched the surrounding footage. People told that Uma had come to live on rent in a nearby street four months ago. She was also often seen in Laddus Wali Gali. The officers could not find out why the murder was done? Police has sent the body to MY Hospital for postmortem.
Two days ago No clue was found in the murder of
1668577550 The police have not got any clue yet in the case of Vandana Raghuvanshi’s murder that took place in the aerodrome area on Sunday. The woman was found murdered in her house by slitting her throat. In this case, the police investigated the details of the woman’s phone calls and interrogated the people who had talked to Vandana before the murder. He had a friend with the woman before the murder, but she had gone to buy samosas. The police also strictly interrogated him, but the killers have not yet been found. ,