It is being told that this list has been released after the approval of BJP National President JP Nadda. According to the released list, BJP has won 22 Punjabi, 21 Vaish, 42 Brahmin, 42 in this election. Jats, 26 Purvanchali, 22 Rajputs, 17 Gujjars, 13 Jatavs, 9 Balmikis, 9 Yadavs, 7 Sikhs, 3 Muslims, 2 Uttarakhandites, 1 Sindhi and 1 Jain community worker have been given a chance to serve. Apart from this, the party also gave place to people belonging to 1 Balai, 2 Bhumihar, 2 Dhanak, 3 Dhobi, 1 Kashyap, 1 Kayastha, 2 Koli, 1 Kushwaha, 1 Blacksmith, 1 Saini, 1 Goldsmith, 2 Swarnakar Samaj in the MCD elections. Is.