Chief Minister Shivraj Singh Chouhan had left in Lodhipura area of Indore with a cart and the residents had handed over many items including TV, AC, utensils, etc. to the Chief Minister for Anganwadis. Later those items were given to different anganwadis of the city. ) Children wearing new clothes before the arrival of the ministers, later a bag of old clothes was hidden. – Photo :
Detail MP Gajab Hai Ki The tagline also sometimes fits the exploits of the officers. Now take a look at the recent government visit to the Anganwadi of Indore. In the Anganwadi of Pipliyahana area here, two ministers were about to come for inspection. Anganwadi was decorated. The children were dressed in new clothes, but as soon as the convoy of ministers left. The new clothes of the children were taken off and they were put on old clothes, although not all the children took off the new dress.
It happened that Health Minister Prabhuram Chaudhary and Education Minister Mohan Yadav had come to Indore on a one-day visit. They reached the Anganwadi of Piplayahana. Anganwadi workers gave information about nutritional diet. Children wearing clean new clothes were sitting in the Anganwadi. They came from home wearing old clothes. They were put on new clothes before the inspection and old clothes were stuffed in a sack. When both the ministers left, the children were seen wearing old clothes after taking off new clothes. Its video is also going viral on social media. The sack in which the old clothes were filled. Even the women present in the Anganwadi were seen hiding in the video. Anganwadi workers present there said that the dress was provided by an NGO. No one was asked to take off the dress, nor were they asked to return. The children themselves voluntarily took off the new clothes and put on the old ones.
Let us tell you that the state government had launched a campaign to make the Anganwadis more convenient and Chief Minister Shivraj Singh Chouhan had taken a cart in the Lodhipura area of Indore and the residents of the city used TV, AC, etc. for Anganwadis. Many items including utensils were handed over to the Chief Minister. Later those items were given to different anganwadis in the city. ,