Hotel Mayur where the police raided – Photo: Social Media Expansion Hearing was held on the bail plea of a young man caught with girls in sex racket in Gwalior district. Court rejected the petitioner’s bail plea citing involvement in prostitution. Court says, the girls found in the hotel would not have come to do prostitution of their own free will. They must have been forced. Right now this matter is under investigation. Please tell that Nilesh Rathore, who was arrested from Hotel Mayur at Padav on charges of prostitution in Gwalior, has been arrested by the High Court. Refused to grant relief. 18 october 2022 Nilesh, who was in jail, for the first time filed a bail petition in the High Court, which was heard. Dismissing the petition, the High Court said, without the participation of the client, prostitution cannot take place. In fact, while taking action in the hotel located at Padav, the police arrested many people including the petitioner was arrested on October. It was told on behalf of the petitioner that he had booked a room in the hotel. Police allege that he was found in an objectionable position with the girl in room no. However, these allegations are yet to be proved. At the same time, it was told by the police that the girl was found in an objectionable position with the accused, who was allowed to wear clothes with the help of women constables. It is also not clear from the hotel records that the petitioner has checked in. After considering all the facts, the court rejected the bail application. This is complete Case…
750 Some from the station of the city For a few days, girls are coming and going in Hotel Mayur located at a distance of meters. This information to the police 21 October 2022 was received. It is feared that these girls are called here for prostitution. This is call girl from Delhi. Padav police under the leadership of CSP Vijay Bhadoria increased surveillance around the hotel and then raided Hotel Mayur. Here six girls were found from one room, whose age was 233 to 20 It was in the middle of the year. Apart from taking the girls under surveillance, the police also arrested the hotel operator Ashok Khandelwal, his son Saurabh Khandelwal and the manager. Was called to the police station for questioning. Along with this, a young man named Nilesh Rathore was caught in an objectionable condition with a girl from the hotel. When the police checked the register of the hotel, many suspicious entries were found in it, in which the names were first written and later they were crossed out. Their Aadhaar card or any other photo ID was not asked, which increased the suspiciousness of the matter. Advocate Kalpana Parmar, who appeared on behalf of the court against the petitioner in this case, says that the court has clearly It was said in words that there can be no prostitution without the participation of the customer. The girls must have been forced or there must have been some family compulsion. ,