Chief Secretary Iqbal Singh Bains now 15 Will remain on the post till May. For the first time, the order for extension has come on the day of the Chief Secretary’s retirement. Bains is the fourth Chief Secretary of Madhya Pradesh to get extension. Earlier, RP Kapoor, R. Parshuram and BP Singh also got an extension of six months each. Chief Secretary Iqbal Singh Bains’ tenure extended by 6 months – Photo:
Details Chief Ministers of Madhya Pradesh The tussle over the secretary is finally over. Chief Secretary Iqbal Singh Bains will remain the administrative head of the state for the next six months. Bains was due to retire on Wednesday (414 November). But, on the day of his retirement, his tenure has been extended by six months. This is the first time that till the day of CS’s retirement, there was confusion about the name of the new administrative head.
The Personnel Department of the Central Government issued the order on Wednesday. Under this, Iqbal Singh Bains now 414 became the Chief Secretary till May. Will remain This is the first time that there was confusion regarding the post of Chief Secretary till the day of retirement. Till now the practice has been such that 11 new Chief The name of the secretary comes to the fore or the decision to extend his tenure is taken. There was speculation from Bhopal to Delhi regarding the name of the new CS. 1669794267 The name of IAS officer Anurag Jain of the bench also came up for discussion. Anurag Jain is currently on deputation to the Centre. During this, Jain also met Chief Minister Shivraj Singh Chouhan twice. Due to this the speculation intensified that he is almost certain to become CS. Jain is currently on deputation to the Center and is handling Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s flagship program PM Gati Shakti Mission. Because of this there was doubt about Jain’s return.
Extension due to assembly elections
The big reason for the extension of Chief Secretary Iqbal Singh Bains in the state 1669794267 Assembly elections are being considered. In view of this, Chief Minister Shivraj Singh Chouhan was in favor of the extension of Iqbal Singh Bains only. There is good coordination between the Chief Minister and the Chief Secretary. Bains is also a trusted officer of the Chief Minister. In view of the election year, administrative arrangements will be made. When Chief Minister Shivraj Singh Chouhan formed his government after the Congress government went, IAS officers of the batch Iqbal Singh Bains was made the Chief Secretary. For this, the seniority of six officers was also ignored. He has also been the Principal Secretary to the Chief Minister. Iqbal Singh Bains is the fourth Chief Secretary to get the extension. Earlier, RP Kapoor, R Parshuram and BP Singh have also got extension of six months each. ,