Chief Minister of Assam Himanta Biswa Sarma has made a fresh attack on the Bharat Jodo Yatra of Congress led by Rahul Gandhi. Sarma said, there is no need for this visit, the country is already united. , Congress’ theme completely wrong: Sarma
Assam CM Sarma targets Congress Said that the theme of Rahul Gandhi’s visit is wrong. If Congress had started a march for Swachh Bharat, education or health, it would have meant something to the people of the country.
Are Madhya Pradesh, Odisha and other states not united: Sarma
Assam Chief Minister Himanta Biswa Sarma Made a serious allegation on Congress for undertaking long padyatra in many states and asked, what is the point of Bharat Jodo Yatra in Madhya Pradesh, Odisha or other states? Are these states not with India? Has Rahul Gandhi set out to unite the country in a unique way.
Rahul Gandhi is insulting the states by traveling to India in pairs
Himant Biswa Sarma said, we Everyone is united. If someone starts Bharat Jodo Yatra in a state with peace, harmony and unity, then it is tantamount to insulting the states. By doing this Congress wants to tell that these states are not with India.
) 96 Rahul Gandhi will travel kms in 2022 days
It may be noted that Rahul Gandhi in days 2022 Kilometers to travel. At present Rahul 73 of 7 states of the country in days 23 Reached Ujjain of Madhya Pradesh after traveling to the districts. Bharat Jodo Yatra led by Rahul Gandhi and covered a distance of 2022 kilometers Will do This journey was started by Rahul Gandhi from Kanyakumari and will end in J&K in days.
Rahul GandhiHimanta Biswa Sarma9295759Bharat Jodo YatraPublished Date
Thu, Dec 1, 2022, 6: 23 PM IST